Over the years we’ve worked across various sectors when it comes to lead generation, E-commerce, and app installs.

Here’s a handful of our personal highlights!


Paid media spend managed


Revenue generated for clients


Projects successfully delivered

The market leading grocery delivery app of Ireland

(that’s soon to break the UK!)

The Problem

Buymie got in touch with Milestone Media in Spring ‘21 as the performance of their digital campaigns had weakened significantly, and they were also lacking visibility on their campaign performance, making it difficult to make the right decisions. They needed us to overhaul their digital strategy, and get their CPA much closer to target, allowing them to expand their customer base in existing cities, whilst also laying the foundations to step into new locations.

The Solution

We conducted a thorough audit of their ad accounts, and were able to make a number of structural changes very quickly which had an immediate impact on CPA. One of which being the exclusion of ads in the evening, a decision that seemed obvious to us given the significantly higher evening CPA’s!

We lead a new round of creative and ad copy testing which not only resulted in a much improved CPA, but better demographics for them, meaning stronger LTV’s from their new customers.

We assisted them in getting set up with Appsflyer, quickly giving them far more visibility on campaign performance across each city, as well as access to new tools that made retargeting and campaign optimisation easier and more effective.

We helped overhaul their follow up, retention, and nurture flows to significantly improve conversion rate and repeat business.

We made better use of their 7 figure digital budget by allocating resources in the areas that were delivering the strongest results, as well as launching new ad platforms to their mix such as Apple Search Ads.

The Results


App Installs

With an improved demographic and LTV

Reduction in CPA

Massively improved campaign performance, and profitability

Conversion Rate

Up from 45% average, after introduction of new nurture flow

Months of Beating Targets

Consecutively, and counting!

Goes to show that no matter how bad your ad accounts get, the right people can always turn them around by getting the basics right and laying strong foundations for the future.

Quote From The Client

Miles ahead of most agencies. We have a compact and action-focused account team, where each member is a true expert in their respective field. There are very few agencies that have this level of focus on results and back this with a high level of agility and understanding of our internal challenges.

Gladstone Brookes Case Study

A household name, and PPI Claims giant.

The Problem

Gladstone Brookes contacted Milestone Media in Spring ’18, to launch a successful “PPI deadline” campaign. They had tried Facebook ads in the past with other parties unsuccessfully, and needed a partner that could not only deliver results on a big scale, but also assist them in creating a “digital journey” to better convert their leads.

The Solution

We helped Gladstone Brookes create a diverse pool of creative assets, and ad copy to test. The public view of “PPI” is a negative one, so we’d have to be smart and engaging to not only get the attention of their target demographic, but to get them to take action.

We set up a reliable tracking framework so we had full visibility on the campaigns performance, allowing us to make data-driven decisions based on what their clients were responding best to.

Given the level of advertising spend, we actively monitored the campaigns on a daily basis, 7 days a week, regularly optimising and tweaking the campaigns to ensure the best possible performance.

We helped Gladstone Brookes create a new digital journey that would allow their clients to complete their claims entirely online, which would significantly improve their conversion rate.

The Results


in adverting spend

Over 20% of which was in the final month of the campaign

leads generated

The bulk of which meeting demographic requirements

Cost Per Lead

Beating the target CPL of £25 substantially 

improvement in conversion rate

With successful implementation of the digital journey

A wildly successful campaign, on a big scale, from a standing start.

Quote From The Client

Milestone delivered on their promises by being an integral part of our largest digital campaign to date. They’re an honest, experienced, hard-working team, and we have since collaborated with them on various projects.

Legacy Wills Case Study

The largest remote Will-Writing/Estate Planning service in the UK

The Problem

Legacy Wills got in touch with Milestone Media Spring ’19, in their search for a lead generation partner. For years, Legacy had relied on lead partnerships to “sell” them leads for their sales team to work, which had been highly effective for them for many years. However, the ownership recognised the vulnerability of them relying so heavily on other parties for leads, so decided they needed to start their own lead generation campaigns so they could be self-sufficient. They had tried to do this with other agencies in the past, unsuccessfully.

The Solution

We would need to utilise multiple channels for Legacy, Social Ads, Google Ads, and Native ads, in order to be able to fulfil the appetite of their large sales team. From a standing start.

We had to create a variety of landing pages and advertorials to split test across the different platforms, and to different audiences, given their strict demographic requirements (home-owners, that are 50+) we also had to make adjustments to their main website, and email follow up to improve conversion rates.

We had to create a large pool of different creative assets to test across all platforms, so a solid testing framework and detailed analytic process was of high importance. Especially in a “non-sexy” yet delicate offering of will-writing and estate planning.

We’d have to deliver an average CPA below £22, and beat the conversion ate of their current lead suppliers in order for the partnership to be commercially viable.

The Results


Average CPA

Exceeding the target CPA within the first 3 months

a month of ad spend

Consistently for more than 2 years now

Conversion rate

80% of leads being their prime demographic

upsell rate

Removing their reliance on other lead partners

Our experience and data-driven approach allowed us to achieve Legacy’s goals in a shorter time than expected.

Quote From The Client

The team at Milestone Media are an absolute pleasure to work with and they are certainly industry leaders in the advertising sector. A very important part of our business now, and it’s a privilege to call them our business partners.

Pegasus Couriers Case Study

The fastest growing courier company in the north of the UK

The Problem

Pegasus Couriers got in touch with Milestone Media in Spring ’21. Like many last mile businesses, one of their primary challenges is recruitment. The sector is exceptionally competitive, and growing rapidly every year, so recruiting multiple drivers each month over multiple locations is extremely challenging, and can be hugely expensive, particularly in peak times of the year. Pegasus discovered that they could recruit more cost-effectively through Facebook ads, than through traditional channels like job boards and recruitment agencies. However, after their campaign performance started to wane, they realised they needed specialist assistance to not only ensure consistently, but to also scale the campaigns successfully to meet their recruitment demands.

The Solution

To provide the stability the client needed, we’d have to completely restructure their campaigns, and distribute budget appropriately across the depots that needed applicants. This is something that would vary from week to week, so we’d need to be highly agile, and manage the campaigns to avoid disruption with ever-moving targets, in both directions.

We modernised their creative strategy and ad copy, and assisted with changes to the website and landing page, as well as follow up processes to ensure a stronger conversion rate of applicants.

We’d need to reduce their cost per driver by at least 50%, whilst also increasing volume by 4-5x in some months.

The Results


reduction in CPA

Applicants generated for a cost of 25% of what traditional channels were

New locations penetrated

Allowing Pegasus to scale their business with confidence

 increase in applicants

Meeting the demand for peak season

of new applications

Each and every month, even through winter

We helped Pegasus revolutionise their recruitment strategy, and grow their business faster than expected.

Quote From The Client

Milestone have helped us completely revamp the way we scale our business and penetrate new locations. They’re really easy to work with, clearly know their stuff, and I can’t recommend them highly enough.

Kristjana S Williams Case Study

Award-Winning Artist Launches Shopify Store

The Problem

KSW approached Milestone Media in Summer ’20. Kristjana’s brand was well known, however Covid had made a significant impact on the physical elements of her business, prompting her (like many businesses at the time) to launch her online store. Initially, results were fantastic, but after the initial buzz, the brand struggled for consistent campaign growth, and ran into the usual challenges with scaling campaigns without hurting performance. They needed an Ecommerce expert to help them generate new customers and increase store revenues profitably.

The Solution

Firstly, we’d make a big tranche of changes to the website, with a focus on reducing abandoned carts, and improving the conversion rate.

We’d overhaul their email marketing strategy to win back abandoned carts, and appropriately promote to existing customers.

We would map out a number of promotions for the coming months, Halloween, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. Helping us to bring new customers into the ecosystem.

We totally refined their campaign structure across Facebook and Google, drastically improving their targeting, and prioritising a focus on customers with a higher average cart value.

The Results


 improvement in conversion rate

Enormous increase in store profitability

Figures of revenue

Achieved in year 1

BFCM Revenue

Totally obliterating the target for their first BFCM sale


On average for year 1

Quote From The Client

Thank you all so much, it really feels that everything has come together and is working extremely really well. What a team 💜 This is amazing and the growth from last year is incredible. We have already doubled what we did last February 🤯🤯🤯🤯

Rachel Riley Case Study

World-Renowned fashion designer, and outfitter of the Royal Children

The Problem

We were introduced to Rachel in 2020, who was keen to accelerate the pace of her online store, and also launch her online store in the USA. Rachel’s brand is very well known in the UK, and has an exceptional physical presence thanks to her London Boutiques. Rachel’s talented team needed support with paid media. They were understandably wary of running campaigns on FB and Google, as it was a new step for the business, so we started things off with a very low-risk budget.

The Solution

We first advised on some small website changes to help with the conversion flow, and to reduce the number of abandoned carts. Later, we would completely revamp their email marketing set up to not only significantly improve cart abandonment, but also market to their existing (and large!) customer based more successfully.

We helped guide the promotion strategy of this luxury brand, keeping a delicate balance between great value promotions for new and existing customers, whilst not devaluing the product or experience. Our experience in the parent/baby sector with brands like Matchstick Monkey, and Annabel Karmel definitely came in handy here!

Starting with modest amounts of ad spend, we would have to deliver outstanding results to build the brands confidence in paid media, so that we could gradually and successfully scale the campaigns, whilst capitalising on key points of the year like BFCM and Xmas. We had to have a strict testing framework so we could establish the best converting assets and ad copy on small amounts of data initially.

The Results



Year 1 campaigns surpassed expectations

figure Revenue

Threshold crossed within the first 18 months

A foothold in USA

The brand continues to grow and development it’s presence overseas


target obliterated

Rachel and her team were amazed with what was possible on BFCM weekend  

You don’t need to spend fortunes on paid media when you have a strong brand!

Quote From The Client

We hugely appreciate everything the Milestone team has done for us, the time and effort they put in is very noticeable, and the results from the paid media campaigns have helped us grow a completely new avenue for our business

Schedule a free consultation with us

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